Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex or responsive cms controlled web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

If you have questions about web development , contact us online or call 033 4602 3796 to speak with an experienced strategist.

Here are the three main types of web development:

  • Front-end web development is responsible for the look and feel of a website.

  • Back-end web development.

  • Full-stack web development.

  • Web designer / Web programmer

  • Content developer.

  • Webmaster.

What does a web developer do?

Web developers create and maintain websites. They are also responsible for the site’s technical aspects, such as its performance and capacity, which are measures of a website’s speed and how much traffic the site can handle. In addition, web developers may create content for the site.

Is web development easy?

Thankfully, web development is not nearly as difficult as it might seem to non-programmers. Most people can learn web development fundamentals in a few months and land an entry-level job even if they had no experience beforehand.

Is web development a good career?

Depending on the qualities you seek in your ideal career, working in web development can be an ideal career choice. For example, if you want a secure and high-paying job, web development roles’ job security and competitive salary can make this a great career fit.